The TNC Engine is a future-proof & powerful tech enabler to overcome the cookieless future
Collection of user consent through a persistent identifier
· 1° Party Data Profiling
· GDPR Consent Management
· Customer Anonimization
Implementation of secure spaces for analysis, cross-referencing, and use of customer data
· Clean Room
· P2C Analysis
· Cross-domain Journey Analysis
Enrichment of proprietary data with multiple external information sources
· 3° Party Integration
· CRM, DMP & CDP Enrichment
· Data Monetization
Data Activation on multiple platforms and integration with additional technologies
· Audience Design & Hypertargeting
· 360° Experience & Personalization
· Publisher Integration(DSP..)

Our solution’s entire architecture has been designed from the ground up to comply with privacy regulations using the most sophisticated data security technologies.

To ensure the identification, security and privacy of customer data, TNC Engine creates secure spaces based on Data Clean Room and Riconciliation alghorithms (based on Machine Learning) for analysis, cross-referencing, and utilization of data, protecting against unauthorized access and ensuring compliance with privacy laws.

The Activation capabilities of TNC Engine allows marketers to activate the stored and enriched data acrosss multiple channels in an hypertargeted way (as. SMS, DEM, Display) offering several tech connector with some of the most commont martech tools, such as CRMs, Campaign tools, DMPs.

TNC Engine enable data enrichment & monetization activities for our clients through their proprietary data by incorporating multiple external information sources, such as third-party data providers and external providers tracked in our network (exclusive partnership qith 15+ italian retailers and with the most complete and relevant italian consumer panel Sinottica 4.0 by GFK) ensuring complete anonymization of our users and data security.

Our solution’s entire architecture has been designed from the ground up to comply with privacy regulations using the most sophisticated data security technologies.

full funnel analysis
TNC’s identifier allows us to recognize the customer throughout the entire purchasing journey, even across different devices, while managing consent on each of them.

data enrichment
Our integrations with other data platforms and collaborations with data providers allow us to enrich existing information about our customer base, obtaining numerous insights.

cookieless targeting
Our technology enables us to create hyper-targeted audiences based on multiple collectible information on each touchpoint, in a completely cookieless way.